System Plan
Engagement has concluded for the System Plan survey.

Can you imagine what Three Rivers’ system of parks and trails would be today without the vision, work and dedication of the leaders before us? Would our prairies and forests be houses and office parks? Would the Trumpeter Swan be missing from the Minnesota landscape? Would people have convenient access to connect with nature?
As we look to and plan for the future as part of the 2040 System Plan work, we have an opportunity to carry Three Rivers’ natural legacy forward. The System Plan will include a vision for Three Rivers’ future and serve as the road map to achieving that vision.
The Three Rivers Park District Board of Commissioners has been discussing the 2040 System Plan for over a year. In 2017, the process kicked off with a series of five inventories to understand current goals, resources, offerings, visitation, and more. The inventory findings document where Three Rivers was in 2017 and identify opportunities and challenges for preparing for the future. The challenges and opportunities generally fall into one of three themes: change, limited resources and partnerships. To view the five inventories, click on the links under Benchmark Inventories to the right.
With that information in hand and through robust, thoughtful conversation, a draft vision statement and three key goals for the 2040 System Plan were formed:
Vision: Every person can discover, explore and enjoy the wonder of nature every day.
Goal 1: You belong here.
Three Rivers is relevant, convenient and welcoming to all people.
Goal 2: Parks Matter.
Three Rivers is essential to vibrant, healthy and livable communities.
Goal 3: Lead by Example
Three Rivers is intentional and innovative in meeting the needs of today while anticipating & protecting the needs of tomorrow.
This vision statement carries forward the great work we are already doing but sets the bar even higher. It is provocative and inspirational in that it calls for "every person" to have an opportunity to connect with nature "every day."
Imagine what this looks like – because we are looking to you to tell us how to do it!
Tell your story
What's your favorite nature memory or experience? As we plan for the future, we want to know how people connect to nature. Share your story or upload a photo here.