Diamond Lake Regional Trail Master Plan

Project Background and Status
Three Rivers Park District is leading a master planning process for the Diamond Lake Regional Trail - a new north-south 10-foot-wide paved, multi-use regional trail through western Hennepin County which would allow biking, hiking, dog walking, running, and in-line skating.
In 2020, Three Rivers obtained extensive feedback from the community and coordinated with city partners along the proposed route to determine and approve the preferred route for the regional trail. The Diamond Lake Regional Trail is now envisioned to connect to the West Mississippi River Regional Trail in Dayton at its northern terminus and travel through Rogers and Corcoran to the Lake Independence Regional Trail and Baker Park Reserve in Medina at its southern terminus. After additional public engagement in 2021 and at the request of the cities of Medina and Long Lake, the preferred route for the regional trail will avoid southeast Medina and the City of Long Lake.
This planning effort also envisions a north-south trail connection in Wayzata and Orono linking the Dakota Rail Regional Trail and Luce Line State Trail. This trail connection will be called the Dakota Rail – Luce Line Connector Regional Trail. This trail connection, along with the existing trail connection of the Luce Line State Trail and the Lake Independence Regional Trail, will provide the contiguous trail route that was originally envisioned for the Diamond Lake Regional Trail corridor.
For quick reference, a PDF map of the preferred route for the Diamond Lake Regional Trail approved by each community is available here.
A detailed, interactive map for the preferred route is available here.
30-Day Public Comment Period
Three Rivers Park District has completed the draft master plan for the Diamond Lake Regional Trail and Dakota Rail – Luce Line Connector Regional Trails. The 30-day public comment period took place from May 4, 2022, through June 3, 2022. View the updated draft master plan. View the master plan appendices, including comments received during the public comment period.
If you have questions about the master plan, please email Stephen.Shurson@threeriversparks.org.
Next Steps
Following Metropolitan Council approval and final adoption of the completed master plan by the Three Rivers Park District Board of Commissioners, Three Rivers will work to secure funding and work with willing sellers and partners to secure required property rights and commence trail construction. Trail construction will occur in multiple phases as funding and development opportunities allow and will likely take two to three decades to fully achieve.