What is a park master plan?

    A park master plan is a long term guide for natural resource management, future development and programming at a specific park location. Elements of the master plan include boundaries and acquisition costs (when applicable), stewardship plan, demand forecast, development concept, conflicts, operations, public services, engagement and awareness, accessibility and natural resources management.A typical master plan has a shelf-life of 10 to 20 years. The plan is conceptual in nature and not intended to address detailed issues related to engineered site design.

    How are my comments used to influence the master plan?

    Public engagement and participation is necessary to ensure the master plan is authentic and respectful to the recreational and natural resources needs of the park and the community. 

    All public feedback received during the master plan process is summarized and documented. To assist planners and decision-makers, feedback is measured by its ability to meet the Crow-Hassan Park Reserve master plan goals which include; 1) preserving the unique natural resources, 2) celebrating the Crow River, and 3) introducing people to nature and outdoor recreation. 

    A summary of public feedback will be published, with responses provided where applicable.

    How can I provide master plan comments?

    You can provide feedback several different ways:
    Mail comments to: Three Rivers Park District, Crow-Hassan Park Reserve Master Plan, 3000 Xenium Lane North, Plymouth, MN  55441